University Programs

Student Club Sponsor Logo

Thank you for participating in an AISC Student Club! AISC provides funding to students who participate in our University Programs, including:

  • NASCC: The Steel Conference: Each student attending the Conference and programs designated as Students Connecting with Industry Sessions (SCIS) receive up to $175 in travel reimbursement after the Conference. Students also receive complimentary lunch at SCIS and a free Conference Dinner ticket for attending SCIS. Club members may find it more convenient to compile expenses and request reimbursement as a group, still keeping with a maximum of $175 per student. This allows a group of students to split travel expenses evenly, including airfare, lodging, and rental vehicles.

  • SSBC: Teams that register to participate in an upcoming SSBC Regional Event will receive $750 for their bridge project before the competition.

As one of your Club's sponsors, please remember to include AISC in your lists of donors.  If you plan to advertise your sponsoring companies, as many Clubs do, you may use the AISC logo that is available for download below.  This is a high-resolution file in multiple formats and is suitable for printed pieces, like brochures and t-shirts.

AISC Logo: JPG, PNG, AI, EPS formats
