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Faculty Advisor Resources
2019 SSBC National Finals. Photo Credit: Steve Buhman, New Leaf Studio
Thank you for serving as the Faculty Advisor for your team competing in the Student Steel Bridge Competition! This hands-on steel-design project provides students with the opportunity to extend their classroom knowledge, and your support and involvement can promote positive learning experiences.
As Faculty Advisor, you are the point of contact that links students with AISC. We appreciate your efforts to share valuable information about SSBC and other AISC resources with your students in order to support and encourage their education and professional development.
The following resources are provided to help you understand your role and how you can contribute to the success of your team.
Faculty Advisor Expectations
Please take a moment to review the required duties and other recommended activities for the Faculty Advisor. (Updated August 27, 2024)
Faculty Advisor Guide
This guide answers questions about several aspects of the competition. It can be especially helpful for faculty advisors who are new to the competition and looking for more information about getting started. (Updated August 30, 2024)
Safety Awareness Guide for Fabrication
While the particular circumstances are specific to each team, this document contains general guidelines to consider when planning for the safety of the students. This guide is intended to bring awareness to major safety concerns and is not intended to serve as a comprehensive safety plan nor does it supersede any requirements and regulations set by the school and shop facility
VIDEO - “SSBC: Enhancing Steel Education and Inspiring Creativity in Steel Design”
View a recorded presentation given by two SSBC Faculty Advisors at the Educator Session at the 2019 NASCC: The Steel Conference. This video provides an overview of the competition and how it can be used to strengthen the learning experiences of your students.
watch video
AISC is here to support you in your role as Faculty Advisor. If you have additional questions, please contact our SSBC Team.