In This Section
Board of Directors Award
Awarded on an as-needed basis, the Board of Directors Award honors those who have provided, over a sustained period of time, significant and outstanding service on the AISC Board of Directors and have contributed to the success of AISC and the structural steel industry.
Service to be considered includes:
- Officer of AISC
- Board of Directors Member
- Committee and Task Groups of AISC
- Years of Sustained Service and Leadership
- Normally given when a Board member becomes ex-officio
Past Winners
William B. (Brad) Bourne III, Universal Steel Inc., Universal Steel of N.C., LLC
Bourne began working for Universal Steel more than 40 years ago and became president in 1989. Together with his family, he grew the scope and volume of the business to becoming one of the preferred structural and miscellaneous fabricators in the southeast. He has served as an AISC board member for nearly two decades. He was the board’s vice chair from 2007-2009, and chair from 2009-2011.
Rex Lewis, president, Puma Steel
Lewis was honored for his significant contirbutions to the AISC Board of Directors, including his past service as chair, and for his well-known support of earl fabricator involvement and green construction.
Stephen E. Porter, past president, Indiana Steel Fabricating, Inc.
Porter was honored for his significant contributions to the AISC Board of Directors, including his past service as chair, as well as his heavy involvement in regional activities and past service as president of the Central Fabricators Association.