National Steel Bridge Alliance

In This Section

2005 WSBS Conference Proceedings

Presentation Title  Author(s)
Behavior and Analysis of Curved and Skewed Steel Girder Bridges John Yadlosky, PE; Domenic Coletti, PE
Constructibility Issues in Orthotropic Steel Bridge Deck Bridges
David L. McQuaid; Ronald D. Medlock, PE
Construction Engineering of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Cable-Stayed Bridge Claudia Mibelli, PE; Austin Pan, PhD., PE; Mark Chen, PE, SE; Dennis Jang, PE
Cost Effective Detailing of a Dead Load Simple Live Load Continuous Weathering Steel Girder Bridge In New Mexico Ted L. Barber, PE
Dagu Bridge, Tianjin, China Man-Chung Tang, PE
Design and Construction of the Hunt's Bay Bridge Christopher Hall, PE
Design and Construction of the SR 836 Flyover Bridges Scott W. Dean, PE
Design Method for Elastomeric Bearings for Steel Tub Girder Bridges Ronald D. Medlock, PE; Timothy E. Bradberry, M.SE, PE
Design Optimization of Steel Box Girder Bridges Matt Preedy, PE; Yuhe Yang, PE, SE
Design, Fabrication and Erection Issues for Long Span Steel Tied Arches Ernest H. Petzold, PE
Design, Fabrication, and Construction of a Single Point Urban Interchange David Frey, PE
Designing the 'Right' Bridge Kenneth J. Wright, PE
Economical Steel Bridges for the Maryland Approach Roadways to the Woodrow Wilson Bridge Gary R. Miller, PE; Walter P Miller, PE; John W. Narer, PE; Robert J. Healy, PE
Effects of Inconsistent Detailing in Horizontally Curved Steel I-Girder Bridges Brandon W. Chavel, EIT; Christopher J. Earls, PhD, PE
Fast-Track Bridge Redecking Rt. 64 over Pomme de Terre Lake Frank Blakemore, PE; Bakul Desai, PE
Impact Damage Repairs on the Johnson River Bridge Travis Arndt
Implementation of Narrow Gap Improved Electroslag Welding for Bridges Heather Gilmer, PE
Improvements to High Performance Steels Alexander Wilson
Industry Standards for Shop Painting of Structural Bridge Steel Michael Damiano
Innovative Designs of Composite Bridges in Spain Juan A. Sobrino, PhD
Kansas City "Triangle" Urban Interchange Replacement Frank Blakemore, PE; Bakul Desai, PE
Lateral Bracing of Steel Girders by Permanent Metal Deck Forms Nurullah Saglar; John Vogel, PE; Ozgur Egilmez; Todd Helwig, PhD, PE; Reagan Herman, PhD
Lean-on Cross Frame Bracing for Steel Girders with Skewed Supports Ronald D. Medlock, PE; Michelle Romage, PE; Chong Zhou; Todd Helwig, PhD, PE; Reagan Herman, PhD; John Holt, PE
Minnesota's Direct Steel Bidding Process Thomas E. Merritt, PE
NE 8th Street Bridge - Roll-In Replacement Larry Kyle, PE; Joyce Lem, PE
New Croton Dam Spillway Bridge William E. Nyman, PE
Reconstruction of the Williamsburg Bridge Jay Patel, PE; Roger Haight, PE
Signature Structure for the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge Greg Shafer, PE; Nicholas Edwards, PE; Ahmad Khashan, PE
Skewed Bridges and Girder Movements Due to Rotations and Differential Deflections Ronald D. Medlock, PE; Fred Beckmann
Static and Dynamic Field Performance of Veteran's Memorial Curved Steel Box Girder Bridge Dongzhou Huang, PhD, PE
Steel Bridge System With Continuity for Live Load Only and Utilizing 100ksi HPS Sam Fallaha, PE; Greg A. Kolle, PE; Atorod Azizinamini
The New James Rumsey Bridge: Long-Span Steel Girder Bridge Erection over the Potomac River Jared G. Fasick, PE; Thomas G. Leech, PE, SE; Patrick F. Carnevale
The New Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge Thomas Spoth, PE; Joseph M. Viola, PE; Seth H. Condell, PE
The Next Generation Orthotropic Steel Deck Bridges Alfred R. Mangus, PE
The True Goals of Bridge Aesthetics Frederick Gottmoeller, PE, RA
Ultra-Durable Finishes for Zinc Primed Steel Bridges Tom Calzone
US 189 Bridge over the Deer Creek Dam Spillway in Provo Canyon Joe Showers, PE; Dan Church, PE; Brendan Gill, PE
Use of a Straddle Bent Pier with HPS Integral Cap Patricia Schwarz, PE; Norm McDonald, PE; Ahmad Abu-Hawash, PE; Louie Caparelli, PE
Use of Non-Concentric Curved Girder Framing for Variable Width Bridges Michael B. Quirin, PE, SE